The days after holidays are usually tough, but this year may feel harder because of the way Covid has changed our lives. We may have had amazing holidays, and still felt sad that we missed our family or scared about the upcoming cold and socially distant months. We are feeling all of the feelings too, and hope to help you put them into words and also let you know you are not alone! We also give ideas for how to use any energy you may have to make the upcoming months feel a little more bearable. So sit back, relax, and hear how we all got ourselves out of bed at 11 am on December 26!
Disclaimer: Please remember we are real live therapists, however this is a podcast and is not considered a therapy session. Not only because there is no co-pay but also because we can’t speak to your individual experiences. We are here to help you keep raising healthy kids. And remember, if you are an imperfect parent, we are right there with you. If you or someone you love is in immediate danger, please call your local crisis hotline or go to your nearest emergency room.
Fostering growth through connection.
Contact Info
Email: hello@activeconnected.com
Fax: 844-705-0170
Locations throughout Virginia & North Carolina.