The Active And Connected Summer – The Party Must Continue!

The Active And Connected Summer – The Party Must Continue!

You all… it is September 25th and I need a vacation. My kids have been in school for four weeks and I’m already missing field trip permission slips, have overdrawn the kids’ lunch accounts (and have no idea what the password is), and am *kind of* tired of soccer...
How To Show Your Kids You’re Truly Listening

How To Show Your Kids You’re Truly Listening

We expect our kids to listen but they expect the same thing from us. And even though we might feel like we’re listening to them, to our kids it can feel like we’re not. The issue here is not that we’re not good listeners, it’s probably more that we’re not good...
Getting Active And Connected About Being More Active & Connected

Getting Active And Connected About Being More Active & Connected

This week I wrote a quick post titled, The Active and Connected Summer – The Joy Must Continue! If you didn’t have a chance to read it, here’s the short version… I was reflecting on the joyful fun of the summer and how in the midst of our annual return to the very...
[REWIND] Parents Have Feelings, Too

[REWIND] Parents Have Feelings, Too

Do you ever feel confused about how you are supposed to talk about your feelings as a parent? On the one hand, we are supposed to “shield” our children from the ups and downs of life and not talk about our feelings. On the other hand, aren’t we supposed to model...