Mental Health For Athletes: An Interview With Michael Atunrase

Mental Health For Athletes: An Interview With Michael Atunrase

For many kids and teenagers, playing sports becomes a big part of their life and even their identity. Knowing that anxiety and depression can increase during intense training periods, it’s important to know as a parent how to support your child’s mental health....
Child And Adolescent Suicide

Child And Adolescent Suicide

Did you know that, in the United States, emergency room visits for suicide attempts by adolescent girls in early 2021 rose 51% compared to the same period in 2019? There’s a serious mental health crisis going on for kids and adolescents. As therapists, we’ve known...
Post Partum Anxiety: A Deep Dive With Kayla Hayes

Post Partum Anxiety: A Deep Dive With Kayla Hayes

Today’s important topic is not only for moms to be, as many people might think. As we’re taking a deep dive into post partum anxiety and depression with Kayla Hayes, it becomes clear that the knowledge that’s being shared today is important for both moms and dads....
How To Show Your Kids You’re Truly Listening

How To Show Your Kids You’re Truly Listening

We expect our kids to listen but they expect the same thing from us. And even though we might feel like we’re listening to them, to our kids it can feel like we’re not. The issue here is not that we’re not good listeners, it’s probably more that we’re not good...