The Active
& Connected Blog
Parenting Strategies When Your Kids Come Home From College!!! By Podcast Therapists
Listen on Apple!!! Listen on Spotify!!! It’s the holiday season! And that means that college kids are coming home for their long winter break. There will be excitement, there will be nervousness,...
Post Partum Anxiety: A Deep Dive With Kayla Hayes
Today’s important topic is not only for moms to be, as many people might think. As we’re taking a deep dive into post partum anxiety and depression with Kayla Hayes, it becomes clear that the...
Screen Time- Meaningful Vs. Mindless Fostering growth through connection.Contact InfoCall: (434) 202-4080Fax: 844-705-0170Locations throughout Virginia & North...
Sarah Imparting Knowledge To Her Teen While Easing HER OWN Anxiety Fostering growth through connection.Contact InfoCall: (434) 202-4080Fax: 844-705-0170Locations throughout Virginia &...
How To Show Your Kids You’re Truly Listening
We expect our kids to listen but they expect the same thing from us. And even though we might feel like we’re listening to them, to our kids it can feel like we’re not. The issue here is not that...
Getting Active And Connected About Being More Active & Connected
This week I wrote a quick post titled, The Active and Connected Summer – The Joy Must Continue! If you didn’t have a chance to read it, here’s the short version… I was reflecting on the joyful fun...
[REWIND] Parents Have Feelings, Too
Do you ever feel confused about how you are supposed to talk about your feelings as a parent? On the one hand, we are supposed to “shield” our children from the ups and downs of life and not talk...
[REWIND] How We Explain Anxiety To Kids And Families
It’s that time of the year again: school is up and running, the holidays are coming up and anxiety is on the rise in both kids and families. That’s why we decided to rerelease our favorite and most...
What Do I Need To Know About Men’s Mental Health? With Jason Frishman, Psy.D. [Podcast Episode]
When talking about raising boys, we have to look at and think about where men are right now and what men’s mental health looks like. We need this insight to know what we need to keep doing and where...
Mental Health For Young Athletes – Part 2: What Can We Learn From Simone Biles? – With Michael Atunrase
Mental health for young athletes is not getting enough attention in sports training, and we’re not the only ones who think so. Michael Atunrase, founder and head coach of Resilience Fitness &...
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Fostering growth through connection.
Contact Info
Fax: 844-705-0170
Locations throughout Virginia & North Carolina.