Helping Your Teenager Transform Into A Happy, Well-Rounded Adult

Helping Your Teenager Transform Into A Happy, Well-Rounded Adult

Raising kids is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. You do everything you can to make sure they stay safe and healthy. And then a study comes out that states that happy kids grow up to be more successful adults. (Great, so now they have to be happy as well!). It...
Child And Adolescent Suicide

Child And Adolescent Suicide

Did you know that, in the United States, emergency room visits for suicide attempts by adolescent girls in early 2021 rose 51% compared to the same period in 2019? There’s a serious mental health crisis going on for kids and adolescents. As therapists, we’ve known...
Post Partum Anxiety: A Deep Dive With Kayla Hayes

Post Partum Anxiety: A Deep Dive With Kayla Hayes

Today’s important topic is not only for moms to be, as many people might think. As we’re taking a deep dive into post partum anxiety and depression with Kayla Hayes, it becomes clear that the knowledge that’s being shared today is important for both moms and dads....